Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent it begin..

So we probably all know that Lent began Yesterday (Ash Wednesday.) Lent is the traditional 40 day period (or period between Ash Wednesday and Easter) in which, Christians participate in all manner of traditions like prayer, and fasting. This is designed to mimic the 40 days Jesus Christ spent in the wilderness before beginning His public ministry. There He prayed, fasted, and was "tempted" by satan (Have at that Theologians ;) So what's the point of me mentioning this? Well, I am observing and participating in the tradition of Lent this year. Maybe in a non-traditional way? idk. But here's what I'm going for. At BRV there is a church-wide challenge designed around the Lenten season. It's original to another Vineyard Church from Boston. This challenge has been dubbed "Leap of Faith." It's purpose is to inspire and unify the Church to GO FOR IT! There are a few focus points involved. They are, Reading through the book of Luke. Imagine the great conversations and insight that can come about because an entire congregation is focusing on/pondering the same words at the same time. Second, asking God for a specific concrete personal "Leap of Faith" I am not totally sure but i think this goal for me will be to be BOLD, FEARLESS, and SELFLESS in my Faith. I want the "Saul of Tarsus" idea presented by the band For Today ( All of this within reasonable boundaries set and influenced by the Savior and Holy Spirit. Third, praying for (at least) 5 people daily, I definitely cannot limit this to 5 people but my focus is certainly much more on praying for others than for myself. Typically my prayers are self-centered...problem... Fourth, Spend money on/ show extravagant hospitality on someone who I've been praying for. This one i'll admit will be hard but I'll be praying hard for guidance and means to accomplish this goal. Next, daily prayer for two big requests of BRV. One is a new Church plant within 2011. It will be beautiful to see a new expression of a beautiful Church reach out and do all over again what BRV has done and continues to do in Media, Pa. The second, is not yet decided but will be by service on saturday and I'll let you know what that is. I'm hoping it's a safe-house to further our BRVHEART ministry which is a group of loving dreamers set on ENDING slavery for keeps, locally, and worldwide. Last bit of this "Leap of Faith" idea is to consider some form of fasting.

Some thoughts on the title "Leap of Faith"

In the most recent sermon by Mark Tindall (BRV pastor.) He presented an idea (not original to him) that Grace and Faith work together in a very interesting fashion. Grace is not a hammock or armchair that we sit back and relax in. Though we are thankful for grace as we are for an armchair it is much more important than that. Mark connected Grace to the net underneath trapeze artists, and Faith to the trapeze artist his/herself. Grace and Faith working together this was show Faith as a very active, exciting, going for broke kind of action. And, Grace as the net that keeps us safe if our actions made in Faith do not lead us to success. When this happens we are caught up in Grace ever so thankfully and are given the blessed opportunity to climb back up the ladder and swing out in an act of Faith as bold as ever. I really appreciate this idea and it helps put into perspective exactly what this Lenten "Leap of Faith" is all about.

Just a quick shameless plug, if this sounds like a sermon you'd like to hear type "Blue Route Vineyard" into a podcast search on Itunes and download "The Specifics: Faith" :) I love that BRV has free podcasts!

I'm hoping to post more things regarding how this Leap of Faith is going as well as any fun or exciting things that happen over spring break. like.... An Ethan Pierce five song EP... we'll see!

Spread the Love,



  1. Cool to hear what your church is doing for Lent. I wish that mine was doing a bit more. Also, if you really do get a five song EP out over spring break... holy crap, dude... I will flip out!


  2. I definitely stopped and had a good little thought about the "tempted" comment. I'm really glad you're doing a blog too. I've been following you and Liann regularly and love to hear what's going on in your lives and what the Father is doing for you guys. Please, keep 'em coming!


  3. I'm with Jordan..a 5 song EP is all I want!!!
    Ethan, best of luck with prayers are with you concerning it.

  4. I'm working on that EP for sure my dude that's recording me is sooooooo good. Thanks for the feedback friends I really appreciate it. Kyle I kinda knew you'd have at that comment ;) lots of theologians battling out whether not Jesus could actually be "tempted" my answer is well, He's human so sure... but he"s GOD so no... But it doesn't really matter so who cares?! nah but seriously i do think that the idea is that satan attempted to tempt Him. whether He can be tempted or not doesn't matter. satan's goal was to tempt and thus that word is in the passage. here's a link to Kyle Swartzwelder's music. He's a big player in Burlap and Bean's music aspect and very talented. he records all his songs himself so check out "Our home in yonder field" and get hype because he's gonna make me sound gooooood :)
