Do yourself a favor and click this Link. Now play the first track and read on.
Canadian Pacific is the newest, best, and most promising record released by Kyle Swartzwelder. I say this as a friend, musician, and a lover of great songwriters, and Kyle is one of them. His record is being released on this very day, October 6th, 2012, and marks a milestone for Kyle as a man and musician. It was quite some time ago that he began dreaming up this record and it has not come about without an immense amount of passion, hard work, tons of time, fatigue, and possibly frustration at times. But I'm here to tell you it was worth it, every ounce of effort that went into this thing can be recognized in the first 30 seconds of the album.
Now, Kyle had a dream to make this record, and some of the means. He is a very talented sound engineer with a professional recording studio in his home in Wilmington. He also host's an open mic at Burlap and Bean where he will be releasing his record TONIGHT. In addition to that he runs the sound marvelously for the venue on the weekends when performers from all over grace the stage and share the stories of their soul. I know all this as I am one of them, and Kyle is THE MAN when it comes to being a performer at Burlap and Bean. He effortlessly makes anyone on that stage sound the best they possibly can in that room. However, none has graced that stage more passionate, sincere, talented, or meaningful than Kyle.
That is why Burlap and Bean is the place tonight. And leading up this release Kyle has already experienced a ton of love and support. See, as I previously mentioned Kyle had the talent and some of the means to make this record work, but not all of it. And in his humility (those who know this man understand how he embodies this word incredibly) he knew he'd need some help. So Kyle made a Kickstarter campaign. This is a fundraising tool that depends on promotion of the campaign and willing people who will give financially to the cause at hand. Kyle's cause was this record that he'd been dreaming of releasing for 4 years. The Kickstarter would provide the last bit of financial means in order to make this dream a reality for Kyle and the rest of the music world who will surely benefit. Now there's a catch with Kickstarter, you have to set a financial goal and match it in order to receive the generous gifts of your supporters. Well, as we knew he would Kyle set the goal ($3,500) and it was matched ($4,515) and then some! And thus we have today a thousand copies of Canadian Pacific printed and ready to change music as we know it.
I have had the pleasure of owning this record for a few weeks now. And the pleasure of being a fellow musician, co-worker, and friend of Kyle's. So I've strategically placed myself alongside this project as often as I could. Whether it was donating to the Kickstarter, checking in with Kyle on how the record was coming during recording, how he felt about it, etc. I feel very attached to this project because I appreciate Kyle, and his music is intensely inspiring to me. He's a bit of a mentor for me when it comes to the music business, as well as the man who produced my very own EP. So please trust me when I say... YOU NEED TO OWN CANADIAN PACIFIC.
This record is ripe with old school country and folk stylings. From the beautiful fan favorite story song of "Our Home in Yonder Field" to the waltz-like tune "Around the Wheel." Kyle Keeps true to the music he loves, while bridging gaps of genre, age, and style. And we mustn't forget as well to take note of the wonderful band Kyle has surrounded himself with. Canadian Pacific features the tasteful and skillful talent of Nate Gonzales on Piano, Organ, and Accordian, John Farrel on Pedal Steel, Ryan Snyder on Upright and Electric Bass, Tommy Geddes on Drums, as well as some featured performers like Erik Sayles on Electric Guitar, and Carolyn Tapper, Nancy Micciulla, and Laura Shay on backing vocals. Each these individuals fill their role perfectly and help push this record further and further into a deep, warm, wonderful country sound! This record jumps right in, takes you on a ride, through stories, scenes, emotions, and fades it's way out leaving you wanting another ride around the wheel. I encourage you get this record, take that ride, and take it again because it changes each time and only gets better!
Now, the CD release show is sold out, and I know first hand that on stage at a sold out show at Burlap and Bean is a peak that you never want to come down from. Especially if the show is all about your most recent musical accomplishment. Now, I mentioned before that Kyle has experienced some love and support via the Kickstarter, but tonight that will be manifested with the physical presence of so many people who love Kyle for so many reasons, and tonight's about his music. I wish that there was room for every person in the world to be in the room tonight and feel this magic, but it's sold out and the few that will be there shall experience something very special. For those who are unable to be there in person, THERE IS HOPE! The show will be streaming live online tonight at 8pm and this is as close as you can get to this show if you're not on the list. I encourage you to tune in and see what all this fuss is about!!